Finding Distributors

When looking for the right company for your product, we analyze several factors, such as past experience, company structure, relevance in the area, size, geographical location and many other factors to assure that you will have the best possible fit.

Finding the right partner is our main objective

Market Access

We asses you on the best way to reach the market, how is structured, which are the possible regulatory issues to be solved and how can your device get reimbursed.

Everything in a single package

Meeting KOL’s

We will organize 2-3 meetings with the most relevant opinion leaders in your therapeutic area. Expect around 6 of the main opinion leaders in different types of hospitals meeting you, when you will be able to ask anything you may want to know about their views on the therapy, their vision on your product and the day to day integration at the hospital.


Extended search into EU

All our services can be extended to the major EU market through the agreements we have with several companies of trusted results. Let us know the markets you are interested in and we will send you a global plan

Transparency and cooperation

We always keep you informed on our activities and share with you the most significative milestones. You will always be at the control of the process, making the decisions.

Next Step

Please send us which are your needs and we will return to you promptly with an offer for our services or will ask for some clarification on your project

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